Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Simple Plan and Swing Some Doors

For the last few days I have been juggling the management position and the sales position.  Trying to solve problems for my reps. while calling a few disgruntled clients (not mine), while looking at what next week will bring.
Received 31 accounts to work for the next couple months in VA Beach.  Looking at them I figured I would plan and I was at it until late last night.  The key to planning is looking at what they have and thinking about what they need, the clients that is, not the sales person.
Most people think sales people are in the position for the money.  While this is true in most cases it is not for all sales professionals.  This Sales Guy feels that if you represent yourself well, understand the needs of the client, have products that will truly help the client, then the client buys.  It's like selling jewelry   Most people say they bought jewelry, NOT that someone sold them jewelry   However, what is true is that the person behind the counter considers themselves a sales person and receives commissions.  So here is the rub....Good sales people do not sell anything, they simply help people buy...that's it! If your product is shiny then they buy if it's dull and rusty they won't...if I twist arms I run into buyers remorse and that is never good.  Therefore, proper planning prevents poor performance and  planning helps to gain understanding as to what may appear shiny.
So what did I do?  Looked at what they have this year.  What is current as far as website and promotion of it.  What is their current spend and yes ARE THEY PAYING FOR WHAT THEY HAVE :)  some are not.  However, that does not mean they don't want it, that only means they are not convinced it works or, like me, they have run into a few financial set backs.  It's always a good idea to find out.
Finally after taking a good look at what they are currently doing I look for holes where I can be useful.   If their current program is broke then I can fix it.  If there is a different direction they want to go then my hopes is that I can go with them.
Anyway, back to the idea of swinging a few doors. This is the way I will look at the day: make a friend or two, have a few conversation, get lost (because I have no idea where I am going but I have a map), hand out 20 cards, get lots of NO's, and make 0 appointments!  That's right 0...I set my expectations low and my goals achievable.   Ben Franklin said, "Expect the worst and the best is a great relief". I may not even make a friend :)
Lastly, I am going to look good.  I feel as though, and certainly have read, that your appearance is extremely important.  I am going to put on a suit and tie and a nice pair of shoes and head out into the field.  Leading a Research Based Life is all about planning, expectations and reflection.  Maybe I am not a great Sales Professional but I am a nice guy and work is not a dirty 4 letter word.
Final thought, "Control is an illusion".  My wife told me a story this morning about her management experience and her understanding is that the only control I have is over my own actions, outside of that "Control is an illusion".

1 comment:

  1. The only thing we are in control of is our attitude (passion) and the number of people (opportunities) we put ourselves in front of. If you have both of these in check you will come out ahead. There are many things that can make you successful but these two are golden. You really don't have to have the best product just be genuinely excited and willing to help others reach their goals thru the products/services you offer. I love the quote "understand before being understood" and it is so true to what we do every day. Understand the client the best you can in order to earn the right to tell them how you can help. Planning, listening, keep moving and doing the dailies WILL succeed! Blast off!!!
